UK Social Housing Potential Benefits & UK Carbon Reduction Opportunity

We are acutely aware that Social Housing has moved on incredibly in the last 10 years in terms of energy efficiency, new build innovation and multiple often complex and retrofit initiatives and solutions.

This has of course come at a cost, often many thousands of pounds per home have been invested in stock to try and meet carbon reduction targets and increased tenant quality of life and of course increase stock value. 

From the basics like double glazing which is standard now at an average cost of £8,000 to £10,000 per home to elaborate initiatives such as Energiesprong often costing in real terms as much as £70,000 per home as an upgrade it doesn't take an economist that to work out that in the financially testing times ahead for local authorities and social landlords in general such expensive initiatives are well and truly off the table, but wit the real challenge of carbon reduction and fuel poverty still very much a reality because the time of environmental crisis isn't in the future... its here, now and so we cannot put off making decisions any longer, but those decisions must focus on commercial viability and budgetary affordability which is why we have taken the challenge to provide to help local social landlords meet the challenge in a way that is realistically adoptable.

With over 5 million social housing homes in the UK and carbon reduction still an unavoidable priority in every sense and energy costs foretasted to  increase significantly over the next 10 yrs to over double its cost today this must be of great concern to social landlords with a direct parity between rent arrears increases and hiked energy costs which are set to be even greater post Brexit.. and with fuel poverty related deaths around 15,000 to 17,000 deaths a year and set to increase... 

So as a comparison if double glazing is considered as a normally acceptable expense at an average over all cost of £8,000 to £10,000 per home which give energy savings of maybe 7% to 9% in occupier energy costs and with a minimal carbon savings taking into account production and transportation factors... but is fitted and upgraded as an acceptable level of investment and positive energy saving solution at an average minimum cos of £8,000 per home, what If social landlords for a one off investment cost of £60 per home could achieve the following and with us to show you how at adopt them, with no fee for our collaboration  why wouldn't they do it?

The Benefits:

  •  Reduce Carbon By almost half a ton per home every single year that's the equivalent planting 223 new trees every single year
  • Reducing your tenants energy costs by as much as 15% often equating to as much as £150 per home a year which will have a directly positive impact on reducing future rental arrears increases.
  • Supporting many of the most vulnerable people in society in fuel poverty who with underlying health issues depend upon warmth to aid their breathing but who see this as a financial impossibility where an additional 15% saving in heating costs could make all the difference, particularly as this is the very same element of society who need real support in the battle against Coronavirus and its potentially life threatening symptoms. 
  • For those Commercial Directors among you the benefit of reducing operational stress on heating systems by 10% every hour of operation which in turn must have a positive response on heating system attrition.
  • Zero tenant learning curve or mind set change needed,
  • Zero additional tenant disruption,
  • No expensive installation costs, in fact if you listen and work with us installation will cost you nothing.
  • Significantly reduce your organisations over all carbon footprint.
  • If you employ this solution within your own operational portfolio achieve and additional 15% energy savings whilst simultaneously reducing your organisations operational carbon footprint.
  • In portfolio buildings adoption of solution requires a modest level of investment with and ROI of often less than 6 to 12 months.
  • The solution in its self becomes carbon neutral within half a day of deployment.

For many large landlords it could take as long as 5 years to incorporate their entire eligible housing stock but with Carbon soon to be top of the governments agenda again there is no better time to start than here and now.

The reality is the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago but the second best time is today, this is a simple reality. 

No social housing landlord can afford to ignore this most affordable solution and all the benefits it provides.

Consider this, that with approximately 5 million social housing homes in existence in the UK if just 10% were to to incorporate this solution, that's about 500,000 homes it would enable a carbon reduction of around 230,000 tones of carbon taken from our environment every single year as a starting point... That's the equivalent of planting over 111 million new trees EVERY SINGLE YEAR!

And for a single investment cost of  £65.00 per home what could social landlords do nationally with savings made by  adopting this solution in favor of more expensive often less beneficial options? 

This may seem over simplified but in real terms it has no need to be any more technical or difficult than this, its all a matter of choice.....

How is this all achievable?  email us and we will show you how:

We as an organisation ask for no fee or engagement terms... this is an essential advocacy program with a positive focus of benefits for all.
